LAACT Symposium

LAACT Symposium: Interdisciplinary Perspectives

On the 14/01/2019 at Patio Gdansk Academy of Fine Arts the LAACT Symposium took place. Three lectures on light were presented by experts and academics from various backgrounds.

Bettina Pelz
Ars Photonica _ Reflection on light as artistic material

Based on recent examples of light and media art works, the lecture will review present parameters and policies of the use of physcial light as material of visuality, expression and perception as they can be seen in contemporary artistic and curatorial practices. It will reflect on the links between artistic and curatorial developments to those in society, science and technology. And it will revisit artists’ collectives dedicated to light as material and medium like the “BAUHAUS Movement” in Germany and the USA, “ZERO Movement” in Germany and Europe”, the “Light and Space Movement” in the USA, the “GRAV Movment” in France and Latinamerica after World War II.

Justyna Martyniuk-Pęczek
Reviving Public spaces by lighting

The purpose of this presentation is to reflect on the role of electric lighting design in urban regeneration processes. The role of lighting in public space is shown based on the historical approach. Urban lighting may be described as one of the physical layers which due to recent developments in the technology of efficient light sources undergoes a major evolution. With the introduction of pixelized light into the urban texture the perception of public lighting keeps changing. Public lighting not only provides visibility and safety but also helps to create an experience of an urban place. Its role is growing especially in context of regeneration processes which takes place within contemporary cites. During this study objectives of public lighting and regeneration processes are listed and compared.

Natalia Sokol
Artificial Sunshine: A Brief History of Lamps and Luminaires

The presentation discusses a changing understanding of lamps and luminaires through years within the built environment. It is focused on social and design aspects of early light sources through the massive quantity of industrial production of novel lighting items. The author also depicts on LED technology revolution and ideas like human-centric lighting.

Symposium was closed with a roundtable discussion on light as a creative material, moderated with dr Sochacki (Gdansk Academy) and Aymen Gharbi (artistic director of SEE Djerba and Interference). It was also an introduction for the students to the LICHTCAMPUS 2019 project.